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“The audience loved the show – they laughed, cheered, and talked about the performance for the rest of the day!”
—Alyssa Parga, Director of Marketing & Development, Sangre de Cristo Arts Center, Pueblo, Colorado

“LocoMotion is smart, creative, and perfectly entertaining. Peter Davison’s expert artistry and experienced showmanship combine to create a captivating display from which he cleverly reveals the science behind the circus arts. Peter was well-prepared for the size and scope of the crowd, and demonstrated a refreshingly exceptional level of professionalism throughout the entire booking process. He’s a rare talent who has mastered the art of juggling teaching and entertaining…and juggling.”
—Mikala Thompson, Brand Development Manager, The Lincoln Center, Fort Collins, Colorado

“Peter’s LocoMotion assembly was an amazing event for our students. Peter is highly engaging for all student ages kindergarten through 6th grade. Our students and teachers loved how he combined important science lessons with highly entertaining activities. Peter incorporated student participation, and he had excellent student management. Peter has a true gift for presenting, and he is a wonderful entertainer!”
—Rachel Shulman, Ed.S, School Psychologist, Mt. Carbon Elementary School, Littleton, Colorado

“Our students were engaged from the minute they entered the show! Peter was amazing! He was funny, silly, and entertaining all while using science to explain. The LocoMotion show was informative for all grade levels and the students enjoyed every minute of it! Students even had the opportunity to be a part of the show. We were lucky our students had this fun experience!”
—Mark Venner, Principal, Sandstone Elementary School, Billings, Montana

“Peter creates a stellar performance! Every single one of our preschool through 5th grade students was engaged throughout the show. Comedy, entertainment and physics packed to the fullest in 45 minutes!”
—Kate Newell, Hygiene Elementary, Hygiene, Colorado

“Peter Davison puts on an impressive, solo, integrated performance that enhances the artistic side of locomotion. Through movement, humor, and circus skills, Peter offered developmentally appropriate lessons to our students (ages 4-11) on complex subjects like inertia, momentum, balance, etc., all the while keeping the kiddos wildly entertained. I would highly recommend inviting him for all-school assemblies or smaller classroom workshops!”
—Erica Joos, Director of Arts, Boulder Community School of Integrated Studies, Boulder, Colorado

“Peter Davison put on a show for our elementary school kids that had them mesmerized, laughing, and learning physics laws all at the same time! Kids were engaged/involved throughout. I would very much recommend having him come to your school. Highly entertaining!”
—Tom Wetzel, P.E. instructor, Eugene Field Elementary, Littleton, Colorado

“Peter Davison is a seasoned performer who won the hearts and laughs of everyone in our audience which consisted of toddlers up to retirees. Our audience raved about his performance with comments such as “What a great showman!” “Peter was excellent and informative!” “I loved the humor in this show as well as the talent” and “Please bring him back!” Prescott Public Library highly recommends Peter Davison and his Locomotion to all libraries looking for an experienced performer who can educate as well as entertain.”
—Jennifer Kendall, Lead Librarian, Youth Services, Prescott Public Library, Prescott, Arizona

“If you are looking for a S.T.E.M. program that is both entertaining and educational this is it! Peter kept a wide range of ages from 3 to 93 engaged and learning. I can’t believe how many science concepts he fit into his performance: center of balance, gravity, centripetal force, and so much more! He has an ability to bring a sense of wonder and joy to the kids and families while explaining the science behind his circus acts. I kept smiling for the rest of the day and we can’t wait for Peter to come back this winter!”
—Dawn Mendel, Park Hill Branch, Denver Public Library, Colorado

“Peter Davison’s performance is fun for all ages, full of energy, entertaining, and educational! Adults watched in amazement, and children giggled at the balletic antics and clowning. This is a smart show, with accessible science facts, funny props, physical comedy, and fabulous music.”
—Phoebe Carter, Youth Services Director, Weber County Library, Ogden, Utah

“Peter Davison is a kind, genuine and charismatic person. His performance was wonderful and engaging for children and adults alike. Peter also included bits of information in the midst of his show that helped us understand the science behind why things happen. It was amazing and entertaining to watch. The audience thoroughly enjoyed themselves!”
—Children’s Department, Fremont County Library, Riverton, Wyoming

“‘This was the best program [Palmer Lake Library] has ever had!’ …comment received from a patron of many years. Every element of Peter’s program was coordinated with wonderful musical accompaniment. He moved seamlessly from one segment to the next keeping the entire audience (and library staff) enthralled. He had several opportunities for children to participate in meaningful ways. When you host Peter Davison you will appreciate his preparedness, calm manner, ability to engage a wide-range of ages simultaneously, his skill with his technical equipment, and of course his physical accomplishments.”
—Linda Fuqua-Jones, Branch Supervisor, Palmer Lake Branch, Pikes Peak Library District, Colorado

“Peter’s understanding and ability to connect physics concepts to the world of circus arts is mesmerizing. Just when one thinks he can’t possibly add another dimension he expands to yet another concept and keeps the audience spinning right along with him!”
—Paula Ciberay, Youth Services Program & Outreach Manager, Wilkinson Public Library, Telluride, Colorado

“The performance was fantastic with movement and acrobatics. Somehow he managed to relate each act to specific laws of physical science. The library would gladly have him perform again and again.”
—James Ramsey, Ford-Warren Branch, Denver Public Library, Colorado